Search out and help your local foster kids support organization and let First Lady Maria Hafez know of your success. We’ll share our progress quarterly in the PNW Kiwanis Builder magazine.
At District Convention in Wenatchee, Washington – August 22-25, 2024 we will be assembling needed items to be delivered to AKIN to support their family aid programs.
What is AKIN? The Children’s home society of Washington recently merged with Childhaven and together they rebranded themself as Akin. The merger brought together two of the oldest and largest non-profit social service agencies in Washington State. Akin is focusing their efforts on prevention and supports to families before they fall into crisis. They hope to become a safety net that supports families in difficult times and help them avoid involvement in child welfare and juvenile justice.
Akin is a statewide organization with offices in Vancouver, Key Peninsula, King County, Walla Walla, Spokane and Wenatchee. In Wenatchee area Akin provides Counseling, Academic support programs, Parent education and youth support groups. One way they help support families is through their “Tiny Stores” which opened last March. These stores try to stock things that will be helpful to families to meet their basic needs, with an emphasis on Children. Akin served more than 500 individuals in their first six months and they continue to see a steady increase in numbers each week.
For the First Lady’s Project, we will focus on baby and toddler needs.
Please make monetary donations using the form below.
All donations made before August 10th will be used to purchase baby items, monetary donations made after August 10th will be given as monies to Akin to be used as they desire. You’re donations will be used to purchase the needed items below:
Baby needs
Diapers (1-3 in sizes)
Pull ups
Diaper rash cream
Baby wash, shampoo
Baby laundry detergent
Baby sun screen
Baby towels
Nail scissors or clippers
Baby thermometer
Children’s underpants
Akin Items Donation Information
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First Lady’s Program
Search out and help your local foster kids support organization and let First Lady Maria Hafez know of your success. We’ll share our progress quarterly in the PNW Kiwanis Builder magazine.
At District Convention in Wenatchee, Washington – August 22-25, 2024 we will be assembling needed items to be delivered to AKIN to support their family aid programs.
What is AKIN?
The Children’s home society of Washington recently merged with Childhaven and together they rebranded themself as Akin. The merger brought together two of the oldest and largest non-profit social service agencies in Washington State. Akin is focusing their efforts on prevention and supports to families before they fall into crisis. They hope to become a safety net that supports families in difficult times and help them avoid involvement in child welfare and juvenile justice.
Akin is a statewide organization with offices in Vancouver, Key Peninsula, King County, Walla Walla, Spokane and Wenatchee. In Wenatchee area Akin provides Counseling, Academic support programs, Parent education and youth support groups. One way they help support families is through their “Tiny Stores” which opened last March. These stores try to stock things that will be helpful to families to meet their basic needs, with an emphasis on Children. Akin served more than 500 individuals in their first six months and they continue to see a steady increase in numbers each week.
For the First Lady’s Project, we will focus on baby and toddler needs.
Please make monetary donations using the form below.
All donations made before August 10th will be used to purchase baby items, monetary donations made after August 10th will be given as monies to Akin to be used as they desire. You’re donations will be used to purchase the needed items below:
Baby needs
Akin Items Donation Information
Click the image above for more information.
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