Honor a Kiwanis member, club officer, district leader, or club by purchasing a brick that will be placed in the patio area at the District Office. They are available in two sizes and can be ordered using the form below.
Proud Sponsor of the PNW District Convention!
Kiwanis International ConventionKiwanis International's Club LocatorKiwanis Connect Login Page
2024-2025 Dues Schedule
Legacy Patio at the District Office
Honor a Kiwanis member, club officer, district leader, or club by purchasing a brick that will be placed in the patio area at the District Office. They are available in two sizes and can be ordered using the form below.
Proud Sponsor of the PNW District Convention!
Kiwanis International Convention
Kiwanis International's Club Locator
Kiwanis Connect Login Page
2024-2025 Dues Schedule