The success of Kiwanis results from the strong and active service of thousands of Kiwanis club members. With the Legion of Honor Award, you have the privilege of recognizing Kiwanians who have been club members for 25 years or more.
A Kiwanian must have at least 25 years of Kiwanis club membership. (The 25 years do not have to be consecutive, and they can be accumulated in more than one club.)
After recognition for 25 years of service, a member is again eligible to receive the award for 30 years, again for 35 years, and so on. A member is eligible for each when he or she is within six months of reaching that milestone.
Presentation of the Legion of Honor Award can be a memorable moment for the recipient and his or her fellow Kiwanians. Examples of appropriate occasions include:
The first meeting at which the member has reached 25 (or more, as applicable) years of membership.
The anniversary of the club’s founding.
During the anniversary week of Kiwanis International.
At the last club meeting of an administrative year.
During a special club event.
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Legion of Honor
The success of Kiwanis results from the strong and active service of thousands of Kiwanis club members. With the Legion of Honor Award, you have the privilege of recognizing Kiwanians who have been club members for 25 years or more.
A Kiwanian must have at least 25 years of Kiwanis club membership. (The 25 years do not have to be consecutive, and they can be accumulated in more than one club.)
After recognition for 25 years of service, a member is again eligible to receive the award for 30 years, again for 35 years, and so on. A member is eligible for each when he or she is within six months of reaching that milestone.
Purchase Legion of Honor award material from the Kiwanis Family Store on Kiwanis International’s website. Please provide the recipient’s name, the number of years he or she has been a Kiwanian, and the highest club office he or she has held.
Presentation of the Legion of Honor Award can be a memorable moment for the recipient and his or her fellow Kiwanians. Examples of appropriate occasions include:
Click the image above for more information.
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