The Jack Delf

The full name of this award presented on behalf of the Past Governors of the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International is “The Jack Delf Distinguished Service Medal”.

Given in grateful appreciation for many years of loyal and outstanding service to Kiwanis and community.

Eligibility for this medal is as follows but the Past Governors may change the criteria for this award at any time they deem appropriate.

  1. The recipient must have actively served in Kiwanis for a period of not less than ten years.
  2. Must have served in the Pacific Northwest District at least as a Lt. Governor or District Chair.
  3. Have actively participated outside of Kiwanis in other worthy community, lodge, or civic endeavors.
  4. Must be nominated by a Kiwanis club that is currently in good standing with the PNW District and Kiwanis International
  5. Be endorsed by the nominee’s club board of directors as worthy of receiving such an award, and the nominator and nominee’s club must submit evidential material in support of their recommendation.
  6. The nominee may be living or deceased.

The nominee’s biographic information, together with supporting material, must be submitted by June 1st of the Kiwanis year that the award will be considered. The award, if any, will be presented at the District Convention of that Kiwanis year.

The Past Governors selection committee, at its discretion, may honor more than one individual each Kiwanis year but is not bound to select any nominee to receive an award.

Jack Delf Award

**Must be received by June 1st**

Contact Information of Nominee


Nominee's Experience

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    Contact Information of Nominator

