An interclub meeting is one that is held by two or more Kiwanis clubs (including clubs in formation) or by a Kiwanis club and any K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle K Club, Key Club, Aktion Club.
The purpose of inter-clubs is to develop fellowship between clubs and encourage the involvement of club members with other members of our K-Family and encourage an exchange of meeting programs and valuable service and fundraising ideas with other clubs to the mutual benefit of each, an interclub shall meet the following criteria:
There must be a host club and there must be a business, education, service, or social aspect to the meeting or event.
Inter-clubbing “The Round Robin”
An interclub meeting is one that is held by two or more Kiwanis clubs (including clubs in formation) or by a Kiwanis club and any K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle K Club, Key Club, Aktion Club.
The purpose of inter-clubs is to develop fellowship between clubs and encourage the involvement of club members with other members of our K-Family and encourage an exchange of meeting programs and valuable service and fundraising ideas with other clubs to the mutual benefit of each, an interclub shall meet the following criteria:
There must be a host club and there must be a business, education, service, or social aspect to the meeting or event.
For detailed Inter-clubbing Rules click here.
For a fillable PDF Reporting Form click here.
Submissions are due at the District Office by November 15th.
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