Congratulations on serving as Lt. Governor for your Division. People will look to you for guidance and ideas. As your division leader, it is important to be recognizable when you are at meetings or out in the public.
Red blazer jackets are the uniform to wear in your official capacity as Lt. Governor. To save you time and money, you can now order your jacket directly from vendors. The following companies carry the color and style we use in the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis. Choose a Maxwell Parks brand in (artillery) red. Prices range from $90-$150 plus shipping and handling. We do have a few used jackets at the office available for a $50 donation. Call for current sizes. You can also donate your jacket when you are done, to pass it on to a future Lt. Governor.
Blazer pocket PNW crest: This you will need to order from the office and is located in the Shop. The cost is $5.00
Name badge: Can be ordered directly from our vendor, Laserwerks (yes with an “e”). Michelle is our direct contact and will assist you. Please give her the correct spelling of your first and last name, LTG (insert name of Division) then put your year of serving i.e. 2024-2025. You will receive an image with the Kiwanis logo to approve before it gets printed. Michele will bill you directly.
For Lt. Governors
Ordering Lt. Governor Supplies
Congratulations on serving as Lt. Governor for your Division. People will look to you for guidance and ideas. As your division leader, it is important to be recognizable when you are at meetings or out in the public.
Red blazer jackets are the uniform to wear in your official capacity as Lt. Governor. To save you time and money, you can now order your jacket directly from vendors. The following companies carry the color and style we use in the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis. Choose a Maxwell Parks brand in (artillery) red. Prices range from $90-$150 plus shipping and handling. We do have a few used jackets at the office available for a $50 donation. Call for current sizes. You can also donate your jacket when you are done, to pass it on to a future Lt. Governor.
Blazer pocket PNW crest: This you will need to order from the office and is located in the Shop.
The cost is $5.00
Name badge: Can be ordered directly from our vendor, Laserwerks (yes with an “e”). Michelle is our direct contact and will assist you. Please give her the correct spelling of your first and last name, LTG (insert name of Division) then put your year of serving i.e. 2024-2025. You will receive an image with the Kiwanis logo to approve before it gets printed. Michele will bill you directly.
[email protected] – (503) 535-9655
If you need help with any order, please contact the district office at [email protected] for assistance.
Click the image above for more information.
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