Website Judging

Criteria and Guidelines

The purpose of a club website contest is to encourage clubs to produce a website to:

  • Communicate with club members
  • Share information about your club’s service in your community
  • Share information with the general public and other Kiwanis Clubs

Note: Any costs associated with the development or maintenance of the website, as well as hosting your club’s website, are the responsibility of the club. Relatively inexpensive or free hosting services are available. Start looking for a hosting service by checking out Choose a website service that fits your budget, and meets your needs.

Keep in mind the importance of maintenance and relevance of your website, as well as usability.

The criteria used to judge websites are based on the Kiwanis International (KI) Guidelines, which were instituted by the Kiwanis International Board and are maintained and updated by KI staff.
Please refer to:

To enter the PNW Website Competition notify the website judge of your club’s participation via email by November 15th.

Contact Linda Neuman by clicking here and using the contact form at the bottom of the chairs page.

Please include your established web address (URL) in the email. (One time = 15 points)

Your website will be judged monthly during the first week of the month following each month’s activity, beginning with the month of November – which will evaluate the October, website/presence.

Points will be awarded monthly as follows:

  • Timely/Appropriate content expectations (taken from the “Creating a Club Website” document found on the website noted above) Up to 40 points/month
    1. Information about Kiwanis goals, and what your club does in your community:
      • Service activities – when, where, for whom? How often? Upcoming/past?
      • Community involvement/partnerships with organizations/city/schools, etc.
    2. When you meet, where you meet, what happens at your club meetings (speakers, activities, fun.) PHOTOS, with permission of everyone pictured.
    3. Updates and current information = priority of maintaining the website.
    4. Contact information – How someone with questions can reach your club!
  • Clarity/Quality – be mindful of your audience. Assume NO prior knowledge. (35 points)
    1. Avoid Kiwanis “jargon” and acronyms that may not be familiar to the general public.(Example: KDCCP, SOS, DCON, CLE, ) Or…explain/identify the jargon.
    2. Be specific about connections with other Kiwanis organizations & projects.
    3. Evidence of the website administrator’s presence; i.e. timely postings.
    4. “Pictures are worth a thousand words.” Standard use of language.
  • Branding – YOUR club +, in particular, CURRENT logos (see the KI website.) (10 points)
  • Links available: Kiwanis International; the District Website (10 points)
  • Resources for more information: A link to your club’s social media page, perhaps? (5 points)